"Latinos in America": CNN's Lame bid for hispanic audience?


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"Latinos In America" is a touching… whitewash of the despicable tombstone erected by CNN's Lou Dobbs vitriol of racism and hatred.


"Latinos In America" is a compelling… trap for Hispanic audiences. 

Time Warner, CNN's parent company, while abetting Lou Dobb's daily onslaught against Hispanic immigrants, now expects to lure, and even charm Hispanic audiences, with a documentary that is rather offensive in its shallowness.

Time Warner the corporation that boasts "journalistic integrity" has failed on their own promise by hypocritically claiming that "we expect our reporters and editors to be fair and honest…at CNN, integrity and accuracy are of the utmost importance to the brand". 

Everyday, since 2004, Mr. Dobbs has portrayed immigrants as "criminal illegal aliens".  Mr. Dobbs lied and presented as a fact things such as "Mexico is our enemy" or that immigrants bring "leprosy" into the United States. 

Confronted by the lack of evidence, cynically he would reply, "If we reported it, it's a fact".

Time Warner claims their brand CNN to be supposedly self-perfecting; we are asked to naively believe, because "systems are in place to monitor quality control."

Are Dobb's pernicious attacks then a result of mere oversight? 

Time Warner utterly fails to uphold another of its self imposed tenets: "Responsible content", a sad, empty and grandiose promise to simply lure audiences.

Should we continue to reward CNN, Time Warner, and Lou Dobbs by increasing their ratings with the easy catch of Hispanic audiences throughout the U.S. and Latin America?

"Latinos In America" constitutes a disingenuous attempt to lure Hispanics into a trap, to sheepishly increase CNN's ratings, enabling for the cable company the harvest of millions of advertising dollars. 

The use of Latino journalists and Latino stories (Soledad O'Obrien, Rick Sanchez, Juan Carlos López) as a convenient prop will not change the fact that "Latinos In America" is a daring attempt by CNN and Time Warner to feed Hispanics with one hand,while abetting the hatred of xenophobes through Dobb's daily rant.

Under the guise of interest in Hispanics, now CNN shows a belated concern for them and decries Latinos in America "have been misreported or, in some cases, neglected by the media," in words of its vice president and senior executive producer Mark Nelson.  When asked, Mr. Nelson was unclear on whether "Latinos In America" would even be translated into Spanish.

"We're in the business of weighing the important issues of our time and the fascinating people and stories that impact those issues," claimed the same spokesperson while selling "In America," which turns out to be one of many CNN franchises featuring minorities.

CNN and Time Warner: What exactly are we Latinos to you? 

"Fascinating people" or "criminal illegal aliens"? 

One way or another it seems we only serve to amuse the greater audiences that feed the monstrous machine of advertising dollars.

CNN is Dobbs, and Dobbs is merely another franchise like the "In America" series.

To picture how twisted this false pretense can be, let's think of the awards CNN Dobb's has collected throughout these years:

"Luminary", "Man of the Year", "Excellence in the coverage of Immigration",  "Distinguished American", even "Father of the Year". 

How shallow.  How grotesque.

The idiocy would be that Hispanics continue to bestow CNN and Dobbs the credit and loyalty they never deserved, just like the National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) in 2003 boasted, among its own prod supporters, no other than Mr. Lou Dobbs.  No doubt, a distinguished member of the Hispanic Journalism Association "anchor's circle". 

Is this an oversight, or are we simply gullible?

Hispanics cannot afford to support this whitewash and accept the candy, no matter how sweet and compelling, from strangers such as Dobbs, CNN, and Time Warner.