No Space For Cowardice
The Democratic party has a death wish and is ready to deliver four more years to the bigot in chief.
The Democratic establishment is so afraid of change, progressive change, of course, that its National Committee chairman Tom Perez and company seem to prefer another Trump term rather than nominating Bernie Sanders, the only Democratic presidential hopeful capable of kicking out of the White House the corrupt and crass individual that now occupies it. Shame on them.
“Bernie Sanders is the most electable because he is the strongest Democratic candidate,” said Connie Milton on Facebook. “He has the highest favorability rating, is the most popular senator, consistently polls the best against the trumpster fire, earned the most votes in Iowa and New Hampshire, has the most volunteers, the most donors, the most rally attendees, the most social media followers, generates the most enthusiasm, and is best able to attract a winning coalition of Democrats, independents, Greens, Republicans, and new voters.”
Even more, Sanders is a decent, truthful and smart politician, something increasingly rare in this day and age. Last Friday he was endorsed by New York City mayor, Bill de Blasio.
“I am standing with Bernie because he stands with working families, and always has,” de Blasio said in his endorsement of the Vermont senator, who was born and raised in Brooklyn. “New Yorkers know all too well the damage caused by Donald Trump’s xenophobia, bigotry, and recklessness, and Bernie is the candidate to take him on and take him down.”
Yet, the DNC prefers to nominate someone like Pete Buttigieg, a guy who on top of having very limited experience, has said he is willing to invade Mexico and is being backed by corporate money. This, of course, is one of the reasons the DNC likes him. Mayor Pete won’t rock any boats if elected. More of the same.
Enter the oligarch Michael Bloomberg. He is spending millions to buy the nomination. He did something similar before when he used his seemingly endless cash supply to illegally run for a third term as mayor of New York City.
Not so strangely, Bloomberg’s campaign has already proved that the Democratic establishment will take pains not to criticize stances and statements that typically trouble Democrats, like his well-known support for stop-and-frisk policing, charter schools and big banks, as well as his skepticism about the #MeToo movement and odious comments on women.
Don’t be fooled, except Sanders, all the other Democratic hopefuls are nothing but the same dog with a different collar.
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