US House of Representatives to vote on Trump's new health law
If the law is passed, it will be the first legislative victory for Donald Trump, after more than 100 days in Office.
The US House of Representatives will vote today on the Trump administration's new health law with which the Republicans want to repeal former President Barack Obama's, "Obamacare," legislative sources confirmed Wednesday.
The vote comes after Republicans suspended the ballot on a new health law in March for lack of support, despite enjoying a large majority in Congress, and US President Donald Trump decided to freeze the project.
“Do we have the votes? Yes. Will we pass it? Yes.” Majority leader Kevin McCarthy at the House told reporters, after a meeting in the office of House speaker Paul Ryan on Wednesday evening. He said that Republicans had at least 216 yes votes and would vote on the bill on Thursday, as reported in The Guardian.
Republicans seem to have already won the necessary votes needed to pass the bill after agreeing with their ultra conservative sector, although some moderate congressmen now oppose the bill.
If the law is passed, it will be the first legislative victory for Donald Trump, after more than 100 days in Presidency.