'Dîner en Blanc' takes over Broad Street
The event shut down Broad Street — the Avenue of the Arts from the Kimmel Center to City Hall — as some 3,500 fancily-clad participants wheeled chairs, glasses…
This year's Dîner en Blanc — an international pop-up dinner party that began in Paris, where attendees dress in white, from their hats to their footwear, and gather in a public space — was a big secret in Philadelphia until it happened, miraculously enough. The event shut down Broad Street — the Avenue of the Arts from the Kimmel Center to City Hall — as some 3,500 fancily-clad participants wheeled chairs, glasses, cutlery, wine and all manner of meal-ware into the street to celebrate the art of dining, and the diversity of functions for public spaces.
None of the participants had any idea where the event would take place, first gathering in meeting locations throughout the city before being led to the central location. The night included napkin waving to start the meal, dining, entertainment, dancing and sparklers. The funds raised will go towards next year's event.